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Purple Glow

Music Freqs

Student Showcases


1 Song or 5 minute set per performer.

Teachers will be there to perform with and/or support their students.


  • Event should run no longer than 2 hours.

  • Students are seated in the audience with their guests until their turn on stage.

  • All additional tickets must be purchased at the door the night of the event ($10 each)

How to Sign-Up

$15 fee per performer

Limit to 15 Performers per event.

Sign-Up via Paper Form & Return to our Front Office.


  • Forms available in front office, from your teacher or print this form and hand it into our office.

  • Students must perform at their teacher's dedicated performance date.

  • Open Sign-Ups begin 30 days prior to event

2024 Student Showcase Events

Upcoming Showcase

Student Showcase
Wed. September 25th, 2024 7:00pm

Open to ALL MUSIC FREQS STUDENTS, performance reservations required.

$15 per student performance, 15 students max. per event. Sign up via paper form with office/teacher. Audience Tickets only sold at the ticket booth at 7pm night of event.

*theme not required*

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Student Showcase

Wed. October 30th, 2024 7:00pm

Open to ALL MUSIC FREQS STUDENTS, performance reservations required.

$15 per student performance, 15 students max. per event. Sign up via paper form with office/teacher. Audience Tickets only sold at the ticket booth at 7pm night of event.

*theme not required*


Special Winter Holiday
Student Showcase

Saturday, December 7th at 2:00pm

Open to ALL MUSIC FREQS STUDENTS, performance reservations required.

$15 per student performance, 15 students max. per event. Sign up via paper form with office/teacher. Audience Tickets only sold at the ticket booth at 7pm night of event.

*theme not required*

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FAQ Showcase

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we sign-up?

All students will be given a form by their instructor. This form is to be filled out by the parent and returned to the office along with payment to secure your spot in the showcase. Instructors will be introducing students to what it means to perform in the showcases and helping them to decide if they would like to and what song they might want to perform, if so. Instructors may send home forms with partial information filled in for parents, depending on what they and the student determine during their lesson time together. Parents are also welcome to walk into our main office and sign up in person.

When do sign-ups start? Can I sign-up in advance for future months?

You may sign-up for a showcase starting 30 days prior to the event date. You will only be permitted to sign-up for a future event if the current month’s roster is full, in which case you will be offered priority on signing up for the next month’s showcase.

Can the sign-up fee be added to our regular lesson invoicing/billing?

Absolutely! To do so, you will need to contact Layla in the main office at 805-383-3555 to make those payment arrangements.

Can I purchase additional tickets before the night of the show?

No. In an effort to ensure that all students can have family attend, each student will only have access to 2 prepaid tickets each, and all other tickets will be sold first-come, first-serve on the night of the event at the ticket booth.

Can we hold tickets at the door for other guests?

No. In an attempt to keep our event as streamlined as possible, we will not be keeping guest lists or will call tickets at the booth. However, your purchased tickets will be issued to you as wristbands at the ticket booth, so you may purchase the number you need and meet your guests that have yet to arrive outside the venue to give them their tickets. Guests with valid wristbands will be allowed to enter and exit the venue as they like.

Will my student’s instructor be present during the event?

Yes, your student’s instructor will be present during your scheduled performance, unless they get sick or an unforeseen circumstance comes up.

Can I request a certain time or spot during the performance for my student to perform?

Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate requests for times or order of performers. In order to keep the show as efficiently run as possible, all students' performance times and the order of the line-up will be determined and arranged by Music Freqs office staff and managers without any preference or special accommodations given.

Is there an age limit as to who can perform at a student showcase? 

Yes, our student showcases are open to students aged 16 and under. Students aged 17 and older are invited to perform in our Open Mic Nights, which will also resume in the near future. Please note that our age limit is based mainly on the fact that older students generally want to perform material that is longer and more adult in nature, which is why we ask that they perform on a separate night from the younger students.

Have more questions? Contact Us!

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 12-7pm, but feel free to leave a message or email us anytime!


2258 Pickwick Drive Camarillo CA 93010

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